Exterior view of the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum at night

A place for unforgettable experiences.

Power house
for culture

The unique industrial setting creates an incomparable atmosphere for all kinds of events. Whether international show act, popular public fair, evening event or exclusive presentation. On-site, hybrid or digital. Indoor or outdoor.

Almost anything is possible in the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum.

Event planner
Urbanatix in the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum
1LIVE Krone in the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum
View from above of the historic fair in the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum

Our supporters


The Jahrhunderthalle Bochum is fortunate to have great cooperation partners who help us provide excellent service for all our customers and first-class events and cultural experiences for our guests.

Furthermore, we thank our patrons for their support and partnership. Without this support and commitment, it would not have been possible for us to maintain and further develop the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum as a cultural monument and event venue.